
Johnny Andren (Pixabay)
Micro:Bits are pocket-sized computers with the potential to create whatever your imagination can code!
You can code, customize, and control your micro:bit from anywhere! You can use your micro:bit for all sorts of unique creations, from robots to musical instruments and more.
The micro:bit is a project by the BBC in an effort to bring computer science education and STEM topics to every student
The Micro:Bit helps you to understand how computers work in this new tech-savvy world!
If you need to know why coding, then look at this video or this article as an example.
In this lesson you will learn about MicroBit and Python. you will understand how MicroBit works and what can you do with it while programming with Python. Learn the language of Python or remind yourself what kind of code you need to program something.
You can program a thermometer or a magic 8 ball with MircoBit and Python but let your imagination run and challenge yourself with something more unique.
Lesson Objectives:
- To develop our skills in programming using the Python programming language
- To understand some simple Python syntax
- To realise the similarities with the way we program in python compared to blocks.
1. Group discussion.
Discuss the questions below with your friends:
- What is Micro:Bit?
- Does anyone have ever "played" with it?
- Where can it be used? (look for examples in the internet)
- Have you ever programmed with Python? Is it easy?
2. Look at the links given in Resources and start thinking about how you could program and how.
3. Learn how to use syntacs and variables. Go through the steps given in "Level 3 - MicroBit Magic 8 Ball.pdf" starting from page 11. Test the program every once in a while.
4. Try to program the examples given and make them run. If you are up for it, make the challenges given on page 14.
Look at the videos and read from the additional materials. Think about how robots make our lives more fun and interesting?
- Now you should be able to make something run on MicoBit by using Python.
- You should be able to find material on your topic or anything you want to program.
Next steps:
- This is a good start for your own creation of making something work with MicroBit.
- Create your own game and share it.
Links to everyday life :
The coding of the Micro:Bit itself is classed as robotics since you are coding a device that interacts with its surroundings and even other people.
This project makes you think deeply about just how much art can be incorporated into technology which we see all around us every single day.
As a society in the 21st century, we are surrounded by technology everywhere, sometimes even to the point, it can be intimidating. Starting with projects like this is a great way to start learning about technology.