A typical family has lots of different events to remember. A child’s sports event, a big birthday, a religious holiday or even days off school. With so many big days, it can be impossible to remember when they all are!
This program will enable the user to see how much longer they have to wait for a big event by telling them the number of days left before the event occurs.
We will look at the importance of keeping track of our life and keeping a diary or calendar of events.
Your task is to create a code in python, using the Tkinter module and external file handling to build a program that countdowns to big events, and displays the number of days left until each event to the user.
In the process you will also exlore the impacts and benefits of coding in your life and learn more about the histaory and use of the calendar.
- Make groups of two.
- Discuss the questions below.
Programming will become an increasingly important part of our future and is already affecting our lives in several areas.
- In which areas are your life affected by the increased use of coding?
- What are the benefits of learning to code according to you?
3. Under the resources you can find a link to FDMs list of 7 benefits of learning to code. Read it.
4. Discuss with your partner if you agree with FDM. Which benefits is most important to you?
5. Watch the video of the history of the calendar.
6. Discuss with your partner what the benefits of a digital calendar are.
Could you improve it even more and ad new features?
7. Make a calendar using python. Follow the step by step instructions that you can find under resources.
When you comleted this calender you should be able to use the canvas widget in Tkinter in python in order to create a basic GUI interface and to use intermediate python skills such as subroutines, for loops and lists. The next step could be to try some of the advanced pyton quests in Artificial intelligens modul.
Learning Objectives
- You should be able to use the canvas widget in Tkinter in python in order to create a basic GUI interface
- You should be confident in external file handling in reading from text files, that you have created using IDLE
- You should also be confident in the use of intermediate python skills such as subroutines, for loops and lists
- Tou should increase your knowledge of the history and use of the calender.